Our Story 2

Category:MoviePlot Area:New Horse Years:2016 Director:Jack Neo Starring:Chen Lizhen Li Guohuang Wang Lei Chen Junming Sami Yusuf Liao Yongyi Xue Suli Suhaimi

Description:The film is based on a local family in the 1960s. Through the experiences of the family members, it brings out the early kampung life and the later HDB life. The plot spans several decades. The film will also reflect how Singapore has evolved from a society with dialects as the mainstream language to Mandarin and now English, and review the lost dialects. It will also incorporate many of the director's personal experiences and will insert many nostalgic songs. After the 1969 nationwide floods, Zhao Di takes over her father's family farm with the help of reformed gangster Ah Long. As Singapore's seconomy prosp


The film is based on a local family in the 1960s. Through the experiences of the members, it brings out the early kampung life and the later HDB life. The plot spans several decades. The film will also reflect how Singapore has evolved from a society with dialects as the mainstream language to Mandarin to today's English, and review the lost dialects. It will also incorporate many of the director's personal experiences and will insert many nostalgic songs. Afterthe1969nationwidefloods,ZhaoDitakesoverherfather'sfamilyfarmwiththehelpofreformedgangsterAhLong.AsSingapore'seconomyprospers,theSingaporeanmindsetisalsoforcedtochangewiththetimes.Osmancatcheshisteenageson,Ahmadpracticingwithhisrockband.Asaconservativeman,OsmanbelievesrockmusicwillhaveanegativeinfluenceonAhmad.Fatherandsonargueovertheir differentopinions,causingAhmadtorunaway.Meanwhile,AhHeeandRanidecidetogetmarried.Buttheirtraditionalparentsdisapproveoftheirmarriage.In1977,theGov ernmentbeginsexpropriatinglandforredevelopment,forcingvillagersfromtheirkampongs.Licensedfarmlandowners,suchasZhaoDi,arefinanciallycompensatedfortheirland.AhKun,ZhaoDi'sgreedybrotheraccusesZhaoDiandAhLongofhavinganaffairtotarnishhernameinfrontofthefamily.InthemidstofAhKun'spersistentaccusations,ZhaoDi'shealth takesahit.WillZhaoDibeabletokeepherhard-earnedcompensationmoney?WhatwillbecomeofherfamilyifZhaoDi'shealthcontinuestodeteriorate?

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